Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Leave your clichés at home

Leave you "I believe" T-shirt at home. We already got more than what we believed in.

Head out to the bar tonight and just drink in the playoff atmosphere - that's what I'll be doing (and it's a pun, haha!).

Our Ottawa Senators have put on quite a show for us this past month, and we should thank them for it. I won't write one of those "look how far we've come" articles - you've seen 3 of them already before heading to this site.

What I will say is this: This year's Senators have changed the franchise, and indeed, the philosophy behind a successful playoff team.

No amount of success will change what some people call 'chokers'. That label is simply an indication of a person's insecurity in their own team. Instead, notice the change in the city of Ottawa; the pride exhibited at City Hall and on Elgin Street, as well as in living rooms across the province. If you thought every one of these people believed before the 3rd round, you are mistaken.

So tonight, leave that cliché at home, simply bring a smile and the knowledge that your team has accomplished what many politicians have merely attempted: they've inspired a city.
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